Say hello to our beautiful and bold Oriental Lily bouquet. These luscious Lilies exude class, elegance and charm and have a way of lighting up every room with their unique shape and pastel hues.
Not only are Oriental Lilies easy on the eyes, their scent is so dreamy and refreshing, they’re like a breath of fresh air!
Whether you're wishing someone congratulations, want to say thank you or just yearning to add a pop of luxury to your home, our Oriental Lily bouquet is the winner.
Wrapped up snug in our exclusive BloomBar paper, your lily bouquet will get delivered with love and care!
Market fresh oriental lillies, in one, two or three bunches!
*Please note pictured is 2 bunches.
1 bunch holds 5 stems
2 bunches hold 10 stems
3 bunches hold 15 stems
*Please note additional Phalaenopsis Stems will be selected to compliment colour tones.
*Please note additional Florist Choice Foliage is carefully selected by the florists to match the colour and styling of your chosen flowers.